Table Talk: Iowa Food System Coalition News & Events
Stories from across the state showcase the amazing dedication and innovation taking place to build the foundation of a local and regional food system that supports the health and vitality of Iowans, our communities, and the environment. Check out these stories, and come back for regular updates!
IFSC Official Statement on the Loss of LFS/LFPA Funding
The Iowa Food System Coalition (IFSC) is deeply alarmed by the USDA’s abrupt cancellation of contracts supporting the Local Food for Schools (LFS), Local Food Purchasing Assistance (LFPA), and Local Food for Child Care (LFCC) programs. These highly successful initiatives have played a critical role in ensuring schools, food banks, and childcare centers could purchase fresh, locally grown food from Iowa farmers.
Invest in Iowa's Farmers: Coalition Pushes for Increased Value-Added Grant Funding
In 2024, only 26 farmers, small businesses, and nonprofits were awarded funding—but Iowa is home to more than 86,000 farms.
Iowa Food System Coalition Announces Legislative Priorities December 10, 2024
Developing and supporting a local food system in Iowa should be a cornerstone of Iowa’s agriculture policy. To this end, IFSC has developed four legislative policy asks for the 2025 session.
Local Food Policy Summit to Advance Iowa's Agricultural Goals
The Iowa Food System Coalition (IFSC) invites stakeholders from across Iowa’s agricultural community to join the Local Food Policy Summit, a gathering for statewide food system partners, including state agencies, legislators, farmers and other organizations to share information about food system priorities leading up to the 2025 Iowa legislative session.