About Us
About the Iowa Food System Coalition
The Iowa Food System Coalition (IFSC) was formed to chart a course toward a thriving, sustainable, and equitable food system in Iowa. The Coalition continues to grow, building upon the group of more than 40 farm and food system partners representing farmers, nonprofit organizations, government, universities, Extension, public health, food banks and pantries, and public schools who helped develop the plan.
The Coalition launched Setting the Table for All Iowans in 2024–a document to help guide our work over the next decade. Our aim is to increase local food production and consumption, enhance economic opportunity in Iowa, and improve the health and resiliency of our communities.
IFSC’s partners are committed to working together and holding one another accountable to advance the priorities of the Iowa Food System Plan. Our goal is to create lasting change in our food system.
Membership in the Coalition allows organizations to see their work in relation to each other and the whole. It is a tool to help us speak with a unified voice to decision makers, the community, and to each other, and it holds us accountable to our goals, giving us metrics for determining our success.

Mission, vision, & values
The Iowa Food System Coalition is a coalition of organizations and individuals committed to collective action, to advance a thriving and equitable food system in Iowa.
We envision a food system in Iowa that cultivates health, justice and sustainability for all people, communities and the environment.
The coalition’s core values guide our work, reminding us that relationships and the power of the land and the people it nourishes are essential for a resilient and well cared for Iowa. Our values include:
a culture of celebration
pride in local and regional agriculture
social and racial equity
transformative relationships
community empowerment
care for the environment
food for health
IFSC Leadership
Chris Schwartz
Giselle Bruskewitz
Program Manager, Iowa Valley Resource & Development
Ilsa DeWald
Johnson County Local Food and Farm Manager
Jodie Huegerich
Local Food Program Manager, University of Northern Iowa, Chair Regional Food System Working Group
Chelsea Krist
Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Farm, Food, Enterprise Development Program
Aaron Lehman
President, Iowa Farmers Union
Adam Shriver
Director, Nutrition & Wellness Program, Harkin Institute for Public Policy
Lyndi Buckingham-Schutt
Assistant Professor Iowa State University Extension and Outreach State Specialist, Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition
Kamyar Enshayan
Jan Libbey
Our Partners