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IFSC Book Talk & Holiday Party Fundraiser with Austin Frerick

  • 214 Highland Blvd Waterloo, IA 50703 (map)

Join the Iowa Food System Coalition for a Book Talk & Holiday Fundraiser featuring Austin Frerick, author of Barons, Money, Power, and the Corruption of America's Food Industry. Donations for this event are free will with a donor pledged to match up to $5,000. All proceeds will go to advance IFSC's work to create a just and sustainable food system centered around local food.

This event is being held at the home of IFSC Executive Director Chris Schwartz which also happens to be the historical home of meat packing baron Reuben Rath of Rath Meat Packing, once the largest meat packer in the world.

The home will be decorated top to bottom for the holidays and the party will feature Iowa made and produced foods and beverages. Join us for a fun and enlightening time as we support our critical work.

Registration Required

December 6

Local Food Policy Summit

January 9

Midwest Meat Summit